Fields to reforest

potentiel de reforestation potential aufforestungspotenzial

In each of the eight villages, the next step is now to find 10 families interested in revitalising a 6-hectare plot of unused, unwooded land. This reforestation potential are uncultivated or unworkable lands (too far away, sloping, stony, etc.). In these regions, each family has a lot of unused land because the fallow cycle can extend up to 25 years: a plot is cultivated for 5 years and then the soil is left to rest for 20 years. For this reforestation campaign, we will be sowing our seedballs on two of the six hectares (2 additional hectares next year, then the last 2 hectares in 2023), i.e. on 160 hectares in these villages in 2021.

These field visits are also an opportunity to check that the seeds are at the right maturity. The picture shows seeds of carapa procera (“kobi” in Malinke), from which the famous touloucouna oil is extracted

huile de touloucouna touloucouna oil touloucouna Öl

For more information on our species:  Forest species chosen by arboRise enhance biodiversity

Welcome in the villages

signature convention de reboisement reforestation agreement

Our team goes to Linko to meet the sub-prefect and the mayor to sign the reforestation agreement (see our ethical principles). This small town of about 100 huts is the capital of a sub-prefecture the size of half the Canton of Vaud! Our two coordinators meet the authorities to present the project. As always, they are very honoured that their region has been chosen by arboRise. They feel very strongly about the desertification and are happy to be able to plant trees to remedy it. After the signing of the agreement between Linko and arboRise, the mayor suggests that the team meet with the chiefs of the surrounding villages. The communities of Woussoudou, Kissidou and Kogneni also received a very positive reception: the agreement was signed by the council of elders, before Pema and Mamadou continued on to the next villages.

Presentations in Kérouané

audience chez le Préfet de Kérouané

Having arrived in Kérouané without any problems, our two supervisors first meet with the head of the Water and Forestry Section, Albert Haba (in his official outfit), thanks to whom our project is being carried out. This meeting aims to ensure that the project is well understood by all parties.

Then, the team was received in audience by the Prefect of Kérouané who validates our approach and gives his official support to the project, because desertification is progressing and it is necessary to act urgently.

The moment can then be immortalised by a group photo in front of the Préfecture. These formal steps are important and absolutely necessary to ensure that all stakeholders speak with one voice when the project is presented in the villages.

Ready to go !

prêts au départ Startbereit Ready to go

Here we are, all the equipment is gathered (Garmin, briefcases, cameras, GPS, etc.) and the team from Guidre, our local partner, is ready to leave for Kérouané. Although the journey is longer, our team decided to go via Kankan, the capital of Upper Guinea, as the roads are safer and of better quality. The outfits are designed to ensure safety on the road and protection from the dust, it is hot and heavy, 41° is announced in Kankan. Have a good trip!

Green light to reforest

feu vert grünes Licht green light

International Day of Forests: arboRise launches its 2021 reforestation campaign and gets the GREEN light (so to speak) ! Like us, each tree species has its own biorhythm: some fruit in December, others in March, others just before the rainy season. Our harvest will therefore focus on the 15 species whose seeds mature between April and June. This action will allow us to hire 75 families to harvest and pellet 10,000 seeds per seed tree. On the other hand, we will be looking for 75 other families interested in having their uncultivated, difficult-to-access land or young fallow land reforested. In all, our campaign will cover 150 hectares (150 times Trafalgar Square !) with 750,000 pellets of seeds.


Support of Romande Energie

Romande Energie soutient arboRise Romande Energie unterstützt arboRise Romande Energie supports arboRise

True to its slogan – we are all sources of energy – Romande Energie is providing financial support for our first reforestation campaign and is thus contributing to global carbon neutrality. We salute the exemplary environmental approach of this company and also the pioneering spirit of its management, which wants to join the arboRise adventure.

Ministerial agreement

Accord Ministre de l'Environnement Ministerial agreement

The Minister of the Environment, Water and Forests gives his formal approval to the arboRise project. Our association is honoured to be able to count on the official support of the government of the Republic of Guinea, which provides a solid institutional framework for our action. From now on, nothing stands in the way of the implementation of the method arboRise. This ministerial agreement will open many doors in the country and abroad.

Collaboration with Keller Flags

Keller Drapeaux soutient arboRise

The company Keller Flags decided to support arboRise with the slogan “one flagpole – one tree”. We would like to thank the entire Keller Flags team for this welcome financial support, and also for including arboRise in its catalogue: 150,000 copies, what a circulation! That new trees grow each time a flagpole is erected, a beautiful symbol! And if you too want to give trees as gifts, it’s very simple: here are the gifts!

Together we are stronger

la diversité des arbres rend la nature résiliente

arboRise is present on Tree Nation, which brings together numerous reforestation projects.  Tomorrow’s solutions will emerge thanks to the diversity of proposals. We are also joining forces with the efforts of the TrillionTrees Program on UpLink. And we are launching a crowdfunding campaign on WeMakeIt. Why all this ? Because according to our statutes, we want to experiment with new approaches and share our experiences.

More than 10’000.- raised !

Saint Marcel patron des grainetiers saint patron of seedman

On the day of Saint Marcel, the patron saint of each seedsman, we cross the symbolic threshold of 10,000.- . A good omen for an association that collects one million forest seeds every year! Curious to see what we do with these seeds: have a look on this page