Thank you for your interest!
At its Extraordinary General Meeting on 12 December 2022, the arboRise association decided to transform itself into a non-profit foundation with the same objectives. The arboRise foundation was established on 8 February 2023 and the association was dissolved. It is therefore no longer possible to become a member (this page will be removed from the site shortly).
Donations are of course always welcome. You can also follow our news and activities or send us your details to receive our quarterly newsletter.
We would like to take this opportunity to thank the 76 former members of the association for their support during the first few months of arboRise’s development.
Does a sower’s soul slumber in you?
…so let’s wake it up together! Because sowing tree seeds means as well reintroducing life into a region, a little like in “The Man Who Planted Trees”, the book by Jean Giono, which was at the origin of the arboRise association. Today, in addition to reviving a region, it matters to take urgent measures to fight climate change on a global scale.
An excellent way to act concretely is to join arboRise, an association founded in autumn 2020 (statutes), which is non-profit, politically neutral, religiously independent, and pursuing the following goals:
- Fighting global warming through reforestation in accordance with UN Sustainable Development Goals 13 and 15.
- Experimenting natural reforestation methods that enhance biodiversity and sharing the results of these experiments.
- Involving local populations in reforestation and enhancing the value of their forest heritage
- Raising awareness among the populations of high-income countries of the usefulness of reforestation as a means of combating global warming.
The association does not pursue any economic goals and does not aim to make a profit.
Your membership fee is used directly to finance reforestation activities. In addition, you will receive privileged news about the progress of our reforestation activities in the field (and also about the challenges we face).
Being part of the arboRise community also means being committed to actively promoting the goals of the association, for example by talking about our work around you to convince new members to join us or by responding to requests from the association’s committee. A report on the activity of the members is presented at each general assembly.
As one of our objectives is to raise awareness, the association regularly organises exchanges with specialists on the topic of reforestation. Either in the form of conference-debates, interviews, or visits; in all cases an attractive and exciting way to learn more about the issues at stake.
Membership fee
Active members:
arborise à vie!
I am committed to the future of our planet
Young members (<26 years):
I am committed to the future of our planet
Companies and Organisations:
We are committed to the future of our planet
Becoming a member