Our goal for the 2024 campaign:

Hectars Reforested
Tons reforested of CO2 absorbed

The already reforested areas

In 2021 arboRise reforested 150 hectares in 8 villages with the help of 75 seed families and 75 field families.

In 2022 arboRise reforested 500 hectares in 26 villages with the help of 250 seed families and 250 field families.

In 2023 arboRise reforested 590 hectares in 26 villages with the help of 325 seed families and 265 field families.

All the plots that arboRise has restored thanks to donations can be seen on the arboRise site on Google Maps. The different shades of green distinguish the years of planting, and you can search for the land you have helped to reforest through your donation:

The regions to be reforested

Over the next 10 years, the arboRise foundation plans to reforest a further 500 hectares per year, again with the help of 500 families from local communities.

ArboRise proceeds in three-year cycles: for each cycle, 25 interested villages are identified in a sub-prefecture, and 20 families per village (10 seed families and 10 land families) are engaged in each village. At the end of the cycle, arboRise moves to the neighboring sub-prefecture and proceeds in the same way.

The first reforestation cycle, in the Linko sub-prefecture, will end in 2024, followed by the start of the second three-year cycle in the Damaro sub-prefecture.

Périmètre du projet arboRise


Mariame C. Philippe N. Jacques Z. Florence G. Laurent D. Hectare to be afforested

Mariame C.

With an investment of CHF 200, Mariame C. has contributed to the reforestation of 1 hectare in the Diavadou region of the province of Kérouané. The forest seeds were collected from the Kourouma family.

Philippe N.

gimme some space!
With an investment of 200 francs, Philippe N. has contributed to the reforestation of 1 hectare in the north-west of Damaro in the prefecture of Kérouané.

Jacques Z.

gimme some space!

Thanks to his 200 francs, Jacques Z. launched the reafforestation of 1 hectare in the south of the sub-prefecture of Damaro (Kérouané prefecture). The Kone family provided the forest seeds

Florence G.

gimme some space!
With an investment of CHF 200, Florence G contributed to the reforestation of 1 hectare in the Diavadou region in the province of Kerouane.

Laurent D.

gimme some space!
With an investment of 200 francs, Laurent D. initiated the reforestation of 1 hectare in the south of the village of Damaro in the prefecture of Kérouané. The Haba family contributed to the seed harvest.

Hectare to be afforested


This hectare is the next one to be sown...

The already reforested areas