The arboRise campaign is based on solid documentation
Some scientific papers and studies:
- Arbonnier, Maurice: Arbres, arbustes et lianes des zones sèches d’Afrique de l’Ouest, troisième édition. Editions Quae, 2009 an essential guide to identifying trees (360 species, 1,500 illustrations)
- Baskin Jerry M., Baskin Carol C.: A classification system for seed dormancy; Seed Science Research (2004) 14, 1–16 Everything about seed dormancy from the authors of “Seeds”
- Boulvert, Yves, Carte morphopédologique de la République de Guinée, Annexe 3, Documents phytographique. Institut de Recherche pour le Développement, Paris 2003 How the environment models the Guinean topography according to soil geology
- Castelvecchi Davide: Cloud-seeding surprise could improve climate predictions; Nature News, Mai 2016, The very particles that the forest emits during evapotranspiration cause condensation and create clouds
- Cernansky Rachel: How to rebuild a forest; Nature, august 2018, Vol. 560, 542-544 Essential for the creation of a forest: many and various local and useful species (agroforestry)
- FAO: The State of World’s Forests – Forest Pathway to Sustainable Development, 2018 How forests contribute to the 17 United Nations objectives for sustainable development
- Fischesser Bernard: Reconnaître facilement les arbres, Delachaux et Niestlé, 2019 What is a tree and how does it live?
- Gornish Elise, Arnold Hannah, Fehmi Jeffrey: Review of seed pelletizing strategies for arid land restoration; Restoration Ecology, 2019 Comparison of seed coating techniques
- Grossnickle Steven C, Ivetić Vladan: Direct Seeding in Reforestation – A Field Performance Review; REFORESTA (2017) 4: 94-142 The use of dorect sowing in afforestation
- Gleizes Olivier et al.: Forêt et carbone, comprendre, agir, valoriser; Institut pour le développement forestier, 2015 How to estimate the carbon stored in a temperate forest
- Hallé Francis: La condition tropicale, Actes Sud, 2014 An exciting book to understand the tropics and why forests are different there than in temperate regions
- Institut supérieur agronomique et vétérinaire Valery Giscard d’Estaing de Faranah: Cours révisé de sylviculture tropicale, 2018 The teaching of forestry in Guinea
- Koch Alexander, Brierley Chris, Maslin Mark M., Lewis Simon: Earth system impacts of the European arrival and Great Dying in the Americas after 1492: Quaternary Science Reviews 207 (2019) 13e36 How diseases brought to America by Europeans decimated the population, reduced deforestation and caused global cooling in the early 17th century
- Kooperman Gabriel J. et al.: Forest response to rising CO2 drives zonally asymmetric rainfall change over tropical land; Nature Climate Change | VOL 8 | MAY 2018 | 434–440. In response to the increase in CO2, trees release less moisture into the atmosphere, which reduces precipitation
- Kourouma Souleyman: Rapport d’étude sur la migration de la grande faune du centre à l’est de la Guinée, 2001 Deforestation in Upper Guinea prevents animal movement
- Mille Gilles, Louppe Dominique: Mémento du forestier tropical, Editions Quae, 2015 Absolutely everything you need to know about forestry in tropical areas
- OGEV, ENATEF: Guide de la pharmacopée en République de Guinée, Editions Castel, 2007 Medical use of trees in Guinea
- Overdyck Elizabeth, Clarkson Bruce D., Laughlin Daniel C., Gemmill Chrissen E. C.: Testing Broadcast Seeding Methods to Restore Urban Forests in the Presence of Seed Predators, Restoration Ecology Vol. 21, No. 6, pp. 763–769, 2013 How to protect seeds from predators
- Schmidt Lars: A review of direct sowing versus planting in tropical afforestation and land rehabilitation; Forest & Landscape Denmark University of Copenhagen, 2008 When is direct seeding more appropriate than planting seedlings?
- Swann Abigail L.S. et al: Continental-scale consequences of tree die-offs in North America: identifying where forest loss matters most; 2018, Environmental Research Letters 13 055014, The proof that deforestation in one region affects the climate in other regions of the same continent
- Thies, Evy: Principaux ligneux (agro-)forestiers de la Guinée. Zone de transition. Deutsche Gesellschaft für Technische Zusammenarbeit (GTZ) GmbH, Rossdorf, 1995 All about trees in Upper Guinea
- van Goor Wouter, Snoep Martijn: The contribution of forests to climate change mitigation, a synthesis of current research and understanding, Face the Future, 2019 The influence of forests on climate change
- Wright Jonathon S. et al: Rainforest-initiated wet season onset over the southern Amazon; PNAS | August 8, 2017 | vol. 114 | no. 32 | 8481–8486, What if it was the forest itself that triggered the rainy season in the Amazon?
- Zheng Xinyu, Eltahir Elfatih A. B.: The response to deforestation and desertification in a model of West African monsoons; Geophysical Research Letters, Volume 24, Issue 2, p. 155-158, 1997. Forests on the West African coastal strip have a greater influence on the monsoon than those bordering the Sahara
- Wangari Maathai, Celle qui plante les arbres, Wangari Maathai, éditions Héloïse d’Ormesson, 2007
- La vie secrète des arbres, ce qu’ils ressentent, comment ils communiquent, Peter Wohlleben, Les Arènes, 2017
- DurArbrilité, des arbres et des humains face aux changements globaux, Musée et Jardins botaniques cantonaux, 2019
- Sauvons les forêts! Les 10 actions pour (ré)agir!, Natalie Tordjman, Rustica éditions, 2020
- Main basse sur nos forêts, Gaspard D’Allens. Seil, 2019
- Effondrement, Jared Diamond, Gallimard, 2006
- Homo Disparitus, Alan Weisman, Flammarion, 2007
- L’eau et ses enjeux au Sahara, Ali Bensaâd, éditions Karthala, 2006
- Atlas du changement climatique, troisième édition, Frédéric Denhez, éditions Autrement, 2009
- For the love of land, global case studies of grazing in nature’s image, Jim Howell, Booksurge, 2008
- Le projet majeur africain de la Grande Muraille Verte, concepts et mise en œuvre, Abdoulaye Dia et Robin Duponnois, IRD, 2010
- Les arbres entre visible et invisible, Ernst Zürcher, Actes Sud, 2016
Nice readings about trees and the forest:
- L’homme qui plantait des arbres, Jean Giono, Gallimard, 1983
- Gouverneurs de la rosée, Jacques Roumain, Zulma, 2013
- Forêts dans la tempête et autres colères de la nature, John Muir, Payot & Rivages, 2019
- L’arbre monde, Richard Powers, cherche midi, 2018
- Dans la forêt, Jean Hegland, 1996
- L’invention de la nature. Les aventures d’Alexander von Humboldt, Andrea Wulf, Editions Noir sur Blanc, 2017