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Ecole Nouvelle supports arboRise

Thank you to the management of Ecole Nouvelle de la Suisse Romande, and in particular to Ms Saadia Guetta, for supporting arboRise’s activities!

On 10 January 2023, we had the pleasure of presenting arboRise’s activities and the Guinean context to more than 50 pupils aged 10 to 14 from Ecole Nouvelle, all of whom were attentive, curious and very respectful. The teachers were able to continue the discussion with their classes, sometimes focusing on geography, or exploring botanical aspects in greater depth, or even on the theme of “The Man Who Planted Trees“, the short story by Jean Giono that inspired the arboRise project. Above all, the pupils then made and sold tasty pastries, with the proceeds going to the arboRise foundation.

Ecole Nouvelle supports arboRise
Thank you all for this welcome help, which will contribute directly to the fight against global warming and to mitigating its effects on the populations most affected.

vente de pâtisseries Ecole Nouvelle