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arboRise is on Restor

Ever heard of Restor? … a great initiative of the Crowther Lab at ETH Zurich to connect local reforestation initiatives 🌱 with global scientific databases on trees 🌳🌲🌴, climate 🌡️, satellite data 🛰️, and more.

In one year, these scientists managed to interest more than 70’000 restoration sites worldwide 🌍 and bring them together on one platform 🥇. 200 project holders, the big ones and the small ones, are gathered there and publish according to the same logic data about their area, their perimeter, the type of restoration, etc.

This makes these projects comparable. Identifying best practices to learn from each other will be the next step. But not only that: thanks to Restor’s scientific knowledge, it will soon be possible to understand why some projects perform better than others and how to optimise this huge collective effort.

Great work! We are proud to be part of it with arboRise! Because we too have made it our mission to share our experiences so that others can be inspired by our approach.
Have a look:

arborise est sur Restor