Local Stakeholder Consultation (2)

M. Bonnet à Forono

The Local Stakeholder Consultation (LSC) took place in the sub-prefecture of Linko from Tuesday 21 February to Saturday 4 March 2023.

Tuesday 21 February at the Prefecture of Kérouané, then with the sub-prefectural authorities in Linko:

Consultation Préfecture Consultation Sous-Préfecture

The 12-person team from the three partners, arboRise, GUIDRE and South Pole, then went to the villages of Linko, Forono, Booko, Diaradouni, Kissidou and Boidou. The8 local consultation consultation followed the same agenda each time:

  1. Welcome by the village authorities, blessing of the meeting and documentation of the list of participants
  2. The presentation of the project, using two Posters, by Philippe Nicod (director of arboRise) with translation into the local language by Saidou Marega (executive director of GUIDRE). Small copies of the posters were placed in the immediate vicinity of the participants to facilitate reading.
  3. Questions of understanding from the audience and spontaneous reactions
  4. In-depth discussions, in local language, on the impacts and risks of the project in several focus groups. The women’s focus groups were facilitated by two GUIDRE staff.
  5. Project appraisal forms and explanations of what will be done with the lessons learned from the Local Stakeholder Consultation

LSC BookoLSC PanneauxLSC Diaradouni Marega

LSC Linko   LSC Diaradouni femmes2

LSC Booko Femmes   LSC Booko Hommes

As can be seen from these images, participation was very strong and balanced in terms of gender, age group and level of involvement in the project. Many families expressed their desire to join the project and there were many touching expressions of appreciation.

After observing six meetings, the two groups of supervisors divided up the consultations in the remaining 20 villages, while the project management continued the LSC in Conakry.

Agenda Consultation