Seedballs experiment: final results

Comptage counting Aufzählung

Final results of the field experiment

As a reminder (see publications of 15 August and 15 September), our scientific experiment, funded by the Research Challenge of ETH for Development, aimed to measure the impact of seed coating on the germination rate. What were our findings?

Out of 40 selected forest species, seeds of 26 species could be harvested. The remaining 14 species could not be identified in time. A first shoot count took place in mid-July. This was followed by a second verification count in mid-August. These counts were made difficult by the abundance of weeds present in the field. This explains certain inconsistencies, indicated in red in the table below:

taux de germination germination rate Keimrate

Of the 26 species in the experiment, 17 (65%) had already germinated two months, respectively three months, after sowing. The correlation between the maximum germination rate per species obtained in the experiment and the theoretical germination rate according to scientific sources is 68%. On average the maximum germination rate per species in the experiment reaches 54%, while their theoretical germination rate is 69%.

Before analysing the impact of the seedballs technique we wanted to understand why eight species have a germination rate at least 30% lower than the theoretical rate. What could be the reasons for this?

  • Parkia biglobosa (68% vs 99%): the physical dormancy of its seeds is important and it is possible that our pre-treatment was not sufficient to lift this dormancy or that germination is simply slower for this species.
  • Carapa procera (35% vs. 80%): the seeds of this species are recalcitrant. It is likely that some have dried out before sowing and thus lost their germination capacity.
  • Syzygium guinéense spp (0% vs. 80%): The seeds, also recalcitrant, should be sown immediately after harvesting the fruit according to Prota4U, as they may spoil within 24 hours of storage. In this case too, the seeds may have waited too long before being sown.
  • Prosopis africana (0% vs. 70%): “The results show a high production of seeds, most of which are either attacked or rotten. Despite the existence of integumentary dormancy, Prosopis africana seeds are able to germinate in situ in the absence of fire and livestock, but with a fairly long lag time”[1]. To avoid seed rotting under the seed tree, harvesting on tarpaulin might have been necessary.
  • Pterocarpus erinaceus (0% vs. 50%): Physiological dormancy is low and it is surprising that the treatment was not sufficient to lift it, especially as germination should start 6-10 days after sowing according to Prota4U. Perhaps the seed quality was poor?
  • Tectona grandis (0% vs 30%): According to Prota4U: “The teak ‘seed’ is actually a fruit that can contain up to four true seeds. […] Generally, there are one to two viable seeds per fruit, but sometimes the fruits are sterile. Germination of the same batch of seeds can start after about ten days and end after several years; the optimum germination time is about 35-45 days. Dormancy is difficult to lift and no really reliable technique has been developed. [To promote germination, the seeds should not be completely buried and should not be shaded. It is possible that the seeds were sown too deep in the soil and that the pelleting impaired germination.
  • Vitex doniana (0% vs. 34%): According to Prota4U, untreated fruit can take a long time to germinate and it is possible that fire accelerates germination. Indeed, physiological dormancy is important and the intensity of treatment we applied was probably not sufficient.
  • Terminalia Glaucescens (0% vs. 30%): It is possible that the seeds of this species are recalcitrant. In addition its physiological dormancy is important.

This short analysis allows two conclusions:

  1. The seedball manufacturing process, which requires a period of seed storage, has a negative impact on the germination rate of the recalcitrant species: of the 6 recalcitrant species among the 26, 3 species (50%) have a significantly lower germination rate than normal, in our experiment.
  2. On the other hand, dormancy has little influence on the germination rate when using the seedball method: of the 12 species that require an intense treatment to lift dormancy, 7 species germinated normally. Of the 14 species that require only a moderate treatment to break dormancy, 3 species germinated poorly.


Contrary to the hypothesis that anemochorous, barochorous and autochorous species should be better adapted to direct-seeding and seedball protection, the results show no significant relationship between seed propagation type and germination in direct seeding:

  • 6 out of 8 anemochorous species germinated (75%)
  • 10 out of 15 zoochorous species germinated (66%)
  • 1 out of 3 barochore species germinated (33%)


Regarding the treatments applied, the no treatment (group C) and the T1 treatment (soaking) produced the best results on average, for both counts.

For eight of the 17 species that germinated, no treatment produced the best results in both counts. For six other species no treatment was superior in one of the two counts. Only 3 species preferred treatments, but in 2 cases it was soaking (which is anyway provided at the rainy season). Only one species, Lophira lanceolata, benefited from coating, in one of the two counts.

meilleurs traitements best treatment beste vorbehandlung

Hence it seems possible to conclude that, under the climatic and ecosystemic conditions of Linko, for the above species except for Lophira lanceolata, Vitellaria paradoxa and Afzelia africana, the absence of treatment leads to a better germination rate. Contrary to our main hypothesis, seed coating (seedball method) has a lesser or even counterproductive impact on germination rate. Burying the seeds untreated in small holes seems to be sufficient to protect them from birds, rodents and pests.

This is a major learning for the arboRise project: giving up seed coating will significantly simplify the planting process. In addition, the resources allocated to pelleting can be used to double the quantity of seeds harvested and thus reach a density of 10,000 seeds per hectare, or 1 seed per m2.

The survival rate on the experimental plot will be measured one year after sowing, in May 2023. Afterwards, the plants that have survived on the experimental plot will be used to collect cuttings, which will be useful for enriching the fields reforested by arboRise.


[1] Niang Diop F., Sambou B., Lykke A. M. : Contraintes de régénération naturelle de Prosopis africana : facteurs affectant la germination des graines, International Journal of Biological and Chemical Sciences, 2010, p. 1693-1705. file:///C:/Users/phili/Downloads/65578-Article%20Text-130554-1-10-20110415%20(1).pdf

Direct Sowing in Switzerland

direktsaat direct sowing semis direct

Is planting trees in direct sowing possible in Switzerland? This is what we wanted to find out in the context of the “anything is possible” operation that we initiated in December 2021. Remember: as in Guinea, we were looking for several “field families” interested in making a plot of land available for reforestation, and several “seed families” ready to collect forest seeds to spread them on these plots.

After the formation of the groups and numerous exchanges throughout the year, to study the plots of land made available, to take into account the expectations of their owners, and to establish a procedure for the harvesting of seeds, the harvests could start in September. Each “seed family” was responsible for collecting the seeds of the tree species chosen for a specific plot.

And we all got together on Saturday 29 October to scatter all the seeds on the Herbolaria field in La Rippe!

Marking the reforested area was our first step, to prevent the young plants from being inadvertently cut down during agricultural work. We visualised the outer boundary of the reforested area with a light barrier for 80 metres. The aim was to create a protective forest hedge about one metre wide on the northern part of the land.

barrière fence sperre fence sperre barrière couper le ruban

Then the actual sowing could begin: everyone took one or more species of seeds and a small scraper. To avoid predation by birds, each seed was sown in a small hole and then covered with soil. Fortunately, the soil had been freshly ploughed, which greatly facilitated the swarming! We had about 600 Byzantine hazelnut trees, 300 holly seeds, 200 elder seeds, 150 chestnuts, 50 walnuts, 400 acorns, 200 maple samaras, and a mixture of 400 peach and apricot pits. So about 2300 seeds to be distributed in 4 parallel lines along the 80 metre long northern edge of the field. Quite a job! Fortunately, the weather was very pleasant and the atmosphere friendly.

graines seeds samen semi direct direct seeding drirektsaat direktsaat direct sowing semis direct

After planting trees it was great to regain our strengths over a succulent pumpkin soup!

soupe suppe soup

Many thanks to Odile, Anne, Garance, Chantal and Philippe for your energy and stamina during this memorable day. See you in spring 2023 to admire the first shoots and measure the impact of the semi-direct!

3rd place at the Diaspora Award of the Fedevaco

Prix Diaspora pour arboRise

ArboRise wins 3rd place at the “Prix Diaspora” of the Fedevaco !  

The Diaspora and Development Prize is an initiative of the Federation of Cooperation of the Canton de Vaud, which aims to promote the involvement of the canton’s diasporas in the development of their countries of origin. Through this award, which takes place every two years, Fedevaco aims to increase the impact of diasporas in their home and host countries and to strengthen their position as actors of cooperation and sustainable development.

Since our vice-president, Mariame Camara, is originally from Guinea, it seemed relevant to us that arboRise submitted her application, which was accepted by Fedevaco (see the publication of 20 October 2021). We were thus able to follow the seven high-quality training modules and develop our development project in parallel, of which the following is a summary (the document is available on request):

In sub-Saharan Africa most urban families use charcoal for cooking. The nuisance for them is high and the recurring costs are high as well. On a global level, turning trees into charcoal is a major deforestation factor and increases global warming.

As an alternative, we recommend biogas, which works like a cow’s stomach: vegetable waste is introduced into a sealed tank – the biodigester – which converts it into methane, which is used for cooking instead of coal. The liquid that remains – the digestate – is an excellent fertiliser, also useful for fish farming. A few kilos of waste per day make a family self-sufficient. This saves them the cost of buying bags of charcoal, which represent about 10% of their annual expenses.

Our project aims to develop a small domestic biodigester production unit in Conakry with a technician trained in Burkina Faso, to sell this equipment to families on the outskirts of the city, who cook in an open yard and have access to vegetable waste. The production of a biodigester costs CHF 125/piece and will be totally made in Guinea.

A demonstrator will present the advantages of our solution at meetings of women’s associations in each neighbourhood. After two weeks of testing, each interested housewife will be able to purchase the biodigester with a system of staggered payments. In 18 months she will be the owner and will then save the cost of buying coal.

In addition to recycling vegetable waste (offcuts from market gardening), our technique will also provide organic fertiliser to farmers on the outskirts of Conakry, while reducing deforestation.

We are starting this year with a pilot phase to check the feasibility and feel the reaction of the market. We need CHF 6’000 to pre-finance the first 50 biodigesters. 


Competing in the category of social economy projects, our domestic biodigester project was chosen by the Diaspora Prize Jury for its simplicity and ecological contribution.

Prix Diaspora


This distinction honours us and we warmly thank Fedevaco for the organisation of this Prize. In addition to the lessons learnt from the training course, it also allowed us to meet some really great people. The passion and commitment of all 14 project leaders must be acknowledged here. Congratulations also to the other 3 winners!