Is planting trees in direct sowing possible in Switzerland? This is what we wanted to find out in the context of the „anything is possible“ operation that we initiated in December 2021. Remember: as in Guinea, we were looking for several „field families“ interested in making a plot of land available for reforestation, and several „seed families“ ready to collect forest seeds to spread them on these plots.
After the formation of the groups and numerous exchanges throughout the year, to study the plots of land made available, to take into account the expectations of their owners, and to establish a procedure for the harvesting of seeds, the harvests could start in September. Each „seed family“ was responsible for collecting the seeds of the tree species chosen for a specific plot.
And we all got together on Saturday 29 October to scatter all the seeds on the Herbolaria field in La Rippe!
Marking the reforested area was our first step, to prevent the young plants from being inadvertently cut down during agricultural work. We visualised the outer boundary of the reforested area with a light barrier for 80 metres. The aim was to create a protective forest hedge about one metre wide on the northern part of the land.
Then the actual sowing could begin: everyone took one or more species of seeds and a small scraper. To avoid predation by birds, each seed was sown in a small hole and then covered with soil. Fortunately, the soil had been freshly ploughed, which greatly facilitated the swarming! We had about 600 Byzantine hazelnut trees, 300 holly seeds, 200 elder seeds, 150 chestnuts, 50 walnuts, 400 acorns, 200 maple samaras, and a mixture of 400 peach and apricot pits. So about 2300 seeds to be distributed in 4 parallel lines along the 80 metre long northern edge of the field. Quite a job! Fortunately, the weather was very pleasant and the atmosphere friendly.
After planting trees it was great to regain our strengths over a succulent pumpkin soup!
Many thanks to Odile, Anne, Garance, Chantal and Philippe for your energy and stamina during this memorable day. See you in spring 2023 to admire the first shoots and measure the impact of the semi-direct!